Canadian Softwood Inspection Agency

Canadian Softwood Inspection Agency, Inc. (CSI) is an independent, internationally accredited third party inspection agency. A privately owned fee-for-service agency, CSI has been providing quality inspection and certification services to the lumber manufacturing and wood preservation industries in British Columbia and the Prairie Provinces since 1994. Our clients pay only for the services they require and nothing more. CSI is accredited by the Canadian Lumber Standards Accreditation Board (CLSAB) and the American Lumber Standards Committee Board of Review (ALSC).

Canadian Softwood Inspection Agency
902 County Road 50 East
Harrow, Ontario N0R 1G0

Tel: 855-714-2090


The April 11, 1995 Accreditation Agreement with CSI recognizes them to supervise and grade stamp for each of the following classes of accreditation:

    1. Visually Graded Lumber
      1. in accordance with CSA-O141 (May 23, 2023), CLSAB Regulations (December 1, 2021), the NLGA Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber (2022) and CFLA JPS 1-05 (October 29, 2005).
    2. Agency Certified Lumber
      1. in accordance with CSA-O141 (May 23, 2023), CLSAB Regulations (December 1, 2021) and the NLGA Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber (2022) and CFLA JPS 1-05 (October 29, 2005).
    3. Fingerjoined Lumber
      1. in accordance with NLGA Special Products Standard for Fingerjoined “Vertical Stud Use Only” Lumber (SPS 3 – March 2023).
    4. Machine-Graded Lumber (MSR/MEL)
      1. in accordance with NLGA Special Products Standard for Machine Graded Lumber (SPS 2 – April 1, 2019).
    5. Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program
      1. in accordance with the CFIA-CLSAB Agreement (October 31, 2014).
    6. Canadian Debarking and Grub Hole Control Program
      1. in accordance with the CFIA-CLSAB Agreement (October 31, 2014).
    7. Canadian Sawn Wood Certification Program
      1. in accordance with the CFIA-CLSAB Agreement (October 31, 2014).